My friend, Hope, facebooked me to let me know that I had no choice, she was coming to get me. I love her for this because otherwise I would have just said I was too busy, too tired, and didn't have anything nice to wear. We met up with Lucy, The Duchess, 32 Flavors, Alisa and her new friend, Teresa at a nearby Cheesecake Factory. It started as a simple, innocent, moms night out, you know a bunch of moms who really needed to get out of the house and talk to other moms while consuming things that are definitely NOT on their diet plan. But before we were even seated at our table it was looking like something else. Instead of the cursory, "How is your husband's work/thesis/job hunt going?" or, "So, how are the kids?" we delved right into some fun and funny topics, like the pasties in the new Coraline movie, and husband's opinions on circumcision. After being seated the conversation continued on to even better things such as unexpected lactation experiences, how we were taught the birds and the bees (everything from anatomical pop up books to brochures from the 1950's), and how much men really don't know about women before they get married, and all the things we have learned not to say in front of our kids and why.
Oh yeah, this was some amazing girls talk, let me tell you! We were laughing so hard I felt no need to go to the gym next day because my abs were so sore. Towards the end of the night the tables around us started to empty and we all new why. Everyone that came in that place took one look at the loud and obnoxious mom table and promptly asked to be seated elsewhere. I seriously think we were being more annoying than a table full of screaming, food flinging, poopy diaper, toddlers. And the best part was that not a single one of us were drinking or on drugs. Apparently all we needed to loosen up and have so much fun was some good friends, a small taste of freedom, a lot of sleep deprivation, and the right subject matter.
I seriously need more nights like this in my life.
So, call some women up, they don't have to be best friends, tell them they have no choice, you are coming to get them, go out somewhere fun, talk about silly things, and laugh till your sides hurt, or something comes out your nose, and enjoy an amazing bond between women. Trust me, it is a beautiful thing.
oh what an amazing night you guys had!! there is nothing better then girls night out.. I am glad you had fun. You deserve it!!!! btw I did tag you on my blog a few days ago. .I never even told you cause well I had a 13 month old throw up and um I got lost in mommy world.
Glad you were able to get out and have some fun!
We must have had the same kind of good friend. I went out this weekend too for a mommy night and it was just what I needed. I can only imagine if our two groups had ended up at the same location....
I need a night like that!
Our GNO is tonight...
I LOVE that you had such a great time. A great girl's night out is a hard outing to beat.
Yeah Liz! I know exactly what you are talking about. Just did a girls overnighter get away this past weekend and came home with a sore stomache from laughing so hard. Why do we wait so long to do this kind of thing? It should be a requirement.
it must have been the weekend for girlfriend get togethers....some of my girlies and i meet once a month for fun, frivolity and FOOD!
glad yours was good...next time grab the waitress...we always try to (tho we forgot this last time, duh) ;)
That was seriously one of the best Girls Night's Out ever. And I am glad Hope "forced" you to come because if she didn't you know I would have come and picked you up :) !!
And the icing on the cake? Wandering the empty mall at midnight trying to find a way to escape. So classic of us.
We should plan our next outing!
Sounds wonderful! I rarely do this, but I could sure use it sometimes. Too bad you don't live closer! :)
Now that you've had a "GNO" does Jon get to have his own "GAI"
ctually, every day at work guys have their own GAI's going on, so nevermind!
What a fun time you must have had. I'm jealous. I bet the ice cream was flowing.
I'm jealous. I miss you guys. My girls night out consisted of daring each other to say BJ (put your mind in the gutter and think sex) It was hilarious.
I am so happy that my bossy skills have finally come to good use! I had a blast & the conversations were hilarious. I think we need to do this once a quarter (season), instead of once every few years.
It was a night to remember...
um, could I come with next time?
I love those times. You forget how fun they are. And when it comes down to it, we have to put aside our excuses and just do it. The laughter is always worth it :)
Well, that sounds like sooooo much fun! I could use more of nights like that too.
I have a couple lined up this month, but I seriously don't think we'll be talking about any of the topics listed here, darn it! ;-) It'll still be good though, and I'm just excited to get out of the house, and have some adult interaction.
Glad you had such a good time.
thanks for this advice. i haven't had one of these in a while, and you are right--they are so therapeutic.
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