This is what happens when you send your husband to buy a replacement toilet seat and he goes with a friend and they think they are so funny:
(hurts your eyes to even look at it, doesn't it?)
This is what happens when mom is sick of yelling, "WHO FORGOT TO FLUSH????"

Oh my gosh I nearly peed my pants!!! Guess I wouldn't have to FLUSH then, eh? ;)
Too bad there's nothing that says, "and close the lid." :)
My kids will definitely want one of these. Where did you get it? WAIT - DON'T tell me. I don't want to know. All we do around here is quote SpongeBob. I don't need the opportunity to sit on one.
I agree! There should be one with close the lid on it.
Funny story: Ages ago some coworkers gave my husband a Sponge Bob ornament at a Christmas party. He insisted on putting it on the tree. Evan saw it and started calling the ornament "cheese". I laughed and told him it was pretend cheese. So now Sponge Bob is known as Pretend Cheese.
Never send a man....I give you kudos for being creative though with your flush reminder!
thats awesome
You know how women have plans for a "dream house?" My husband has plans for a "dream toilet." I kid you not. I love your subtle reminder; that's fantastic.
my husband would think it was funny, but he'd probably be too scared of me to bring it home. then again, if a friend was there, egging him on . . .
LOL ... although it does make my eyes hurt :) !! Hopefully you won't have to pee when you have a headache ... or just eat some broccoli before you use it!
That is so hilarious! You are a very good sport. I would have sent my husband back to the store...Although, I guess you would not write on a geaming white toilet lid, and that was a GREAT idea!
That is too funny. My husband would not be so brave, no matter how funny he and a friend thought it would be. He won't buy anything for the house without my opinion. :) I like the flush reminder!
Oh, oh, oh, I love it! Can I steal it? The idea anyway?
Thanks for that good laugh this morning...I think I needed that!
I want one of those!!
Hey! I've seen you through a couple of blogs, and normally don't blog hop, only to find out that I do know you.
That toilet lid hurts my eyes as well!
Good to see you on the 'net-
PS- We are loving Boise!
LOL...I'm not sure if I would choke my husband for buying this or just giggle like a little kid :)
Seat: It will probably cheer you up on rainy winter days. Admit it, you can't help but smile when you see that face. Especially when you think of your husband chuckling in the check out line as he purchased this.
Graffiti: Brilliant. I'm so copying you. Did you use lipstick?
LOL! Although, I totally would have made my husband go back and get a different one.
My son saw something with Spongbob on it recently and said "oh. Look mommy it is a cheese man."
rofl, funny!!
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