Thursday, October 9, 2008

How an Engineer folds a T-Shirt

Check it out! Now my children will have no excuse for not folding laundry!!! Bwahahahaha.


  1. that's funny. Maybe that can be a dad-driven craft one day. Have you ever seen this folding trick?

  2. That is so funny! We actually fold shirts like in the clip Steph has a link to. The little kids have trouble doing it that way, maybe this will work....seriously!

  3. That music is hauntingly familiar! And I love your new thingy up top (for lack of technical wording). Very nice.

  4. very amusing!! We should all have something like that in our cupboards!!

  5. The Gap stores have had something somewhat like this for years. But that thing was very cool. T-shirts don't last long folded up in our drawers. I gave up and now we hang them on hangers.

  6. Brilliant!

    My 7 year old was watching with me and she said,
    "Neat. I wonder if they've got that for pants."

    Thanks for the smile! :)

  7. Do you ever watch Big Bang Theory?

    Sheldon (a physicist character) had a shirt folder like this on a recent episode, but it was plastic, not cardboard. It looked like a real product.

  8. i need one of those. i need to have my kids folding laundry at the earliest possible age. hmmmm.

  9. so laughing!! But does it work for other types of clothes???

  10. What I need is a contraption that is battery powered and pulls clothes right from the dryer and deposits them, folded into the drawers.
    Right now my contraptions (kids) are mostly guilt powered, talk back, eat the oreo cookies I've hidden for myself and work inconsistently.

  11. omg, that is so funny!!! probably moreso since i am married to an ME ;)

    and love your new blog layout :)


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