Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Really Very Good

Sweet Mother Dairy of Ice Cream! This stuff is soooooooo good. So good. Oh so so so so good. They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover and I'm here to say that you should never judge an ice cream by its flavor name. For years now I have been passing up Haagen Dazs Dulce De Leche ice cream simply because it was called Dulce De Leche. Sweet of milk is the literal translation but it also means caramel. I like caramel. I really like good caramel. I adore really good caramel. So why didn't I try this ice cream sooner? Because it is called Dulce De Leche and even though I logically know that it is caramel my brain-taste-to-tongue-memory-reactions don't think of caramel. They think of either sweet milk or some weird Mexican caramel wannabe. Yeah, my brain is weird. But, even if it was called Caramel Ice Cream I might have passed it up because caramel in ice cream comes in all shades of not good. Like the caramel in Breyers Overload Waffle Cone (Sorry Breyers, but that is bad caramel).

In Haagen Dazs Dulce De Leche you will find nothing but really very good caramel. Even the caramel flavored ice cream that encases the thick ribbons of really very good caramel is really very good caramel flavored ice cream. Now you might think it would be a caramel overdose to have caramel running through caramel ice cream, but think again. The ice cream flavor is just subtle enough to enhance the thick, rich, luscious, golden, melt in your mouth, caramel ribbohaqhgiertgqpegja. Oops. Sorry. I was drooling on the keyboard and my fingers slipped. Excuse me, I think I need to go stick my head in the freezer... you know, the freezer that currently holds my second pint of Haagen Dazs Dulce De Leche Really Very Good Caramel ice cream.


  1. I cannot believe it took so long to try this, I love LOVE love it, alot. You know what I miss? What happened to Godiva Dark Chocolate Truffle ice cream? I had it once, then it disappeared from the stores. can you find it?

  2. You're not just an evil daughter - you are an extremely evil daughter. I'm trying to fit into my work pants, and you're talking about ice cream. AND CARMEL, NO LESS. Shame, shame, shame. (I can't wait until the next time I break my diet!!!!!)

  3. P.S. I'm still in mourning for the loss of B & J Rainforest Crunch (sob)

  4. My husband hates caramel. I suppose that means if I purchase this, I can keep it in the freezer and have it all to myself!

  5. I love caramel, too. I will have to try this!

  6. I am with your Mom on this you are evil(Not really but you know what I mean). Your descriptions make me want to go right out and buy this.
    I found the last one you suggested and it was good and yes I did share. Good thing it only comes in a pint. ;-)

  7. Get thee hence Satan!!! I start a diet and you start test tasting agian. Just my luck! ha ha ha

  8. For your reading and knowledge pleasure: Did you know if you stick a can of sweetened condensed milk in a pot of water and boil it for a hour or so, it will turn into Dulce De Leche? That's the spanish word for caramel. That's why if you go to the sweetened condensed milk section of your grocery store, they have cans of dulce de leche. You can find them in the mexican food stores too. Yup, just boil the whole can, open, and voila! A can of the best caramel ever! So, if you like it hot, this would be the way to get it.

    By the way, YOU ARE THE DEVIL!!!

  9. Laura,
    Yeah I know about that, and it is super yummy stuff. You should ask Patti about her Dulce De Leche food storage. =)

  10. Just made a batch of homemade caramel ice cream...but if I know Haagan Daz...I'm sure it rivals it...and is very tasty!! Yum! Might just have to give it a try!

  11. ooh, goodness. I'm trying to be good but this makes it difficult.

    oh, and whatever happened to Godiva chocolate cheesecake ice cream?

  12. would you stop making expensive ice cream so irresistible? i haven't stopped thinking about the peppermint bark stuff since you posted about it last week. ooooooo i can't wait for a sale. if only there were specials on weight loss available as well? like a coupon for a free 500 calories? sigh.

  13. This is my husband's favorite flavor as well. If we have 1-2 containers in the freezer, he thinks I love him. If there aren't any in the freezer, he thinks I'm mad at him and punishing him in a very sick way. We are Ice Cream snobs in our household. If we can't pronounce the name of an ingredient, we don't eat it. Or at least, when Ice Cream is concerned.

  14. Oh yes, this is the BEST Haagen Daz flavor. First one I ever experienced too.


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