Monday, November 10, 2008

Attack of the Tupperware

When you were little was there ever a part of the house you were afraid of? Like the scary basement, the dark attic, or under your bed? When I was little I was terrified of *dun dun dun* the Tupperware cupboard. Anytime I had to put in or take out a piece of Tupperware I would stand before the cabinet door, taking deep breathes in an attempt to steel myself against the creeping panic, clench my fist in determination, count to three and HURRY HURRY OPEN THE DOOR GRAB OR THROW WHAT YOU NEED SLAM SLAM SLAM IT SHUT BEFORE IT ALL COMES TOPPLING OUT IN A MAD PLASTIC AVALANCHE OF DOOM!!!

Obviously it was traumatic. Well, I'm here to stop the vicious cycle of child Tupperware abuse. I'm here to break the chains of plastic hoarding and set my kitchen cabinets free. Today I prevent any child from ever having panic attacks at the mere thought of opening The Tupperware Cabinet.

Release your inner Tupperware demons! Your children will thank you.


  1. Ha Ha! Cute post! The cupboard looks great!

  2. Oh, hooray for you! I, too, get the shudders when I think about piles and piles of miscellaneous plasticware, tupper or no. I'll bet your kitchen feels GREAT.

  3. I enjoy seeing your decluttering process in action here! The before and after pics are great.

  4. So that is why I am anal retentive about stacking, and organizing of my tupperware cupboard- It was all mom's fault! j/k
    I have never been able to tolerate my cupbooard full of plastic to be messy in the least- all lids in one bin, all buckets stacked in descending size, etc.

  5. I have the opposite problem... my tupperware slowly but surely disappears and I have to buy new stuff. (Let's just pretend that I must have done LOTS of service and given away delicious meals to needy people, but probably I threw it away when something I left in the fridge too long grew something that looked biologically dangerous.)

    And I was afraid of the basements because I had dreams there was a purple transparent (kind of jello-like) witch that lived down there. ...I'm feeling like this comment was actually a public cry for professional help. Oh well.

  6. I understand your fear! Congrats on conquering it :)!

  7. You realize you spoke for every family in America who has an identical cupboard?

    Except - my son LOVES to open that cupboard. Just for the sheer 2-year-old joy of watching a scene of total destruction. All with a simple flip of his wrist. Where else can you get that kind of payoff? :)

    Looks great!

  8. I just did this 2 months ago. I decided I needed to get rid of my modge-podge of "Plastics" and invest in some that are by the same company-so they stack better. I ended up with Snapware. I got them at Costco. They are square, a ton of different sizes, they stack and nest beautifully, and I love them!
    I think EVERY household has had this problem with thier Tupperware. Don't get me started on my Mother-In-Laws stash.

  9. You are doing such a great job with your de-junking. I love that you are willing to share the before pictures. The after looks GREAT!

  10. Wow, that is quite the stack of butter, yogurt, whatever containers! Good job. Our tupperware cupboard is a mess, mostly because I let my son play in there. As soon as I get it all organized, he suddenly has a renewed interest in messing it all back up!

  11. Thank you for breaking the vicious cycle. My sister tried reforming me, and I've got to admit, I'm much better at it - but Grandkids love to get in and mess it up (good excuse, eh?)
    Let's just say, my whole purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others!

  12. Holy Cow. I thought my grandmother took the prize for the most plastic food tubs, but I was WRONG. You win. You will receive your prize shortly in the mail....

  13. I can't believe that all fit in there! It looks like fun though!

    Have you tried using a drawer or putting them in a container on the shelf? It makes it a lot easier to pull out and see what you have. If there is room in the corner that is hard to reach you can store things behind the container that you don't use as often. Just an idea!

  14. Great organization! It looks tons better. :)

  15. you completely described my tupperware cupboard. it's one of my dirty little secrets because someone dropping by the house would never know what danger lurks behind the cupboard door. the question is, can i really bring myself to get rid of the stuff? i guess it wouldn't hurt to go through and discard any items that no longer have a matching lid, etc.

  16. This was one of your best blog posts yet!

  17. LOL! That is an incredible amount of containers!


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