Monday, November 3, 2008

Like Mother Like Daughter

Here is my latest dejunking purge.

When I was 16 my family moved from Saratoga, NY all the way to Ashton, Idaho. We stayed with my grandpa while my mom looked for a new place to live because my dad was dying. Ashton is a very small old railroad town with not much to do for a bored and disturbed teenager besides swimming in the ditch and eating huckleberry milkshakes. Wandering and bored I did a lot of snooping around my grandpa's house, but I was cautious and timid in my snooping because we were raised to fear our grandfather and respect his house and privacy. So I would open closets, cupboards, and drawers only touching a few items before hastily shutting them again. I will never forget opening a drawer in the upstairs bedroom. It was a drawer crammed full of old (very vintage), used, and carefully folded wrapping paper. Paper that my frugal grandmother had saved from gifts she had been given long long ago. Grandma died when I was 9. Later I learned that she saved much more than wrapping paper and everything that came her way was reused or saved with the hopes of getting just one more use out of it. She would have put any modern envioronmentalist to shame with the way she reduced reused and recycled everyday trash.

My mom inherited grandma's saving tendencies and passed them down to me. Sadly my "tendencies" aren't as romantic as a drawer full of beautiful old paper, mine are just out right pack ratty. I save all sorts of junk in the hopes that it will save me money down the road. I hoard all kinds of things for art crafts that I never do. I stash all manner of sewing novelties and scraps for the custom art jeans I plan on making and selling someday but have yet to make a single pair. I save bags, boxes, and every manner of product packaging container hoping they will make me organized but I forget I have them and they are such odd pieces that they would never help with organizaton anyway.

I've recently had the desire to use or unload all this k-rap (see Cookie, Mommy isn't using that really naguhty word anymore. Spelt with a k is something completely different) and have been on a dejunking spree and my mom has joined me. My mother, the queen pack rat of our family, though, is doing what many proffessionals tell packrats all the time. If you feel you need it, just take a picture of it. Pictures take up much less space than the actual item. Well, she ids doing just that and posting them on a blog to boot. So, if you have voyeristic tendencies and have always wanted to know what kind of junk hides in a pack rat's house and why they keep it then stop on by DOTMOTHER and cheer her on as she frees herself from her junk.

And mom, if you can toss yours then I can toss mine. It's scary that we have identical junk.

Here I am tossing out all those plastic zip up bags that bedding (and some toys) come it. I was saving them to use for organizing or for moving, neither of which has happened in 4 years (and I didn't use them when we moved 4 years ago either, I shoved them in a box with everything else).


  1. Truly I look around at the piles of stuff. Ugh! Anyway - once it's gone, wow! Isn't it so freeing? Lovely feeling, methinks!

    Btw - I had to laugh at the pic of bags... I just had an "a-ha!" moment with those months ago. I use them for my yarn projects. Keep all the yarn I need for the various baby blankets along with whatever needle I'm using plus the pattern. Voila - I've actually been able to finish, you hear me? FINISH some blankets because I haven't lost the pattern/needle/have all the yarn together! Woot!

  2. Inspiring...I hold onto those bags too. I wonder how many I have floating around? You've also inspired me to dejunk as well. I haven't touched anything since we finished the basement....that was over a year ago and I think it's time. Oh, and if you want some carrots, I still have some in the garden.

  3. I am the next inline for the "De-junking" spree. But I need to get a camera and free time to do it. So Chrsitmas is my deadline for a camera and I will be in less school then. Just you wait. I'm scared myself

  4. way to go! I used to have a hard time throwing those zipper bags away too. I think its the zipper in them that makes them appear to have more value than a regular old plastic wrapper.

  5. That totally cracks me up that you have the same junk as your mom! And as far as dejunking, I think something is going around. My mom is dejunking her house, too. Me? Well, I have other things to do right now...

  6. I am SO going to use "K-rap" from now on; I told my kids it was "slum English" and now they correct me when I say "Crap" but alas, what do us non-profanity types use to describe our k-rap??

  7. Mmmm, huckleberry milkshakes.

    I am such a pack rat, too. I actually do use those bags from sheets and stuff. I have toys and fabric and stuff in them.

    I like your k-rap. I should use that. I guess I say "shoot" a lot, because my son will say it for no apparent reason every once in a while. It's amazing what you find out that you say from your kids!

  8. I promise I will de-junk. I promise...I'll get to it...

    Hey? Can you come over and de-junk my house?

    I'm just saying...


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