Friday, November 21, 2008

Magic Munch

Dear Friend,
You knocked at my door knowing I desperately needed something to make me smile. With baby in hand I opened the door. You handed me two bags labeled Magic Munchy Popcorn, smiled at me, and left to get back to your family and busy life. I thought, "How sweet. Now, what is Magic Munchy Popcorn?" And as I walked away from the door and popped that first crunchy sweet bite in my mouth the tears began to pour. With each bite of Magic Munch more tears dripped from my chin onto my shirt. Tears of gratitude for the time that you took, for the dishes you sullied, for the drive to my house even though you have small children, for the sugar shock I'm now feeling, for the smile you gave me that didn't require me to say anything I didn't want to say, for not asking me "is there anything I can do?" so I didn't have to smile and lie. You did for me what I wish I would have done for you when you were having your very bad day(s). I can't thank you enough for giving me what I would never dare to ask for but secretly wanted, some special attention with no strings attached. Your Magic Munchy Popcorn worked its special magic and made me feel special. Thank you.

Now, I expect a recipe for this lovely sugar laden magic on your blog post haste! =)

And thanks to everyone else for the kind comments, the phone calls, and cookies. Blogging should have been invented years ago.


  1. Magical Munchy Popcorn. What a great name. And I bet she's a great woman too.

  2. Just thinking about it is making me hungry. What a sweet gift!

  3. The song "That's What Friends Are For.." comes to mind. I'm so glad there's someone there to cheer you up when the rest of us in blogland can't physically be there but want to be.

  4. I felt rather silly passing you the the bags of Magical Munchy Popcorn... but it was something I could do. That's the thing, isn't it? Just DOING something to help a friend. Even something small & simple as popcorn. Isn't that what makes it "magical" anyway? :)

    You're loved, girl!

    And thanks for making me cry. lol!

  5. Sweet little nothings can conquer all doom monsters. Thank heavens for wonderful friends!

  6. Posted the recipe! Hope you enjoy!

  7. What the????? Why have you not called me? I know I only have threee kids but mind you I went through many nervous breakdowns with the twins, and an alcoholic husband with no job, and an ex-husband fighting for custody of my oldest, and moving to a new house because hte one was sold out from underneath us, and my job being in the next town (granted it's not L.A. but I still had to commute), and because of my job I would leave before the kids awoke and my huband- be home after 13-15 hours of on my feet trying to find time to pump while running my A off, then return home well after kids and husband have gone to bed and turn around and do that for the rest of the week because I was working tow jobs. This all happened within the first fours months after the girls were born. I KNOW what you;re needing. Call me.- Iloveu

  8. what a nice friend. I could do more things like this. Wish I could do them for you too.

  9. Sigh. I want a friend who brings me Magic Munch popcorn. Perhaps it could replace the ice cream diary? :-)

  10. Thank goodness for friends like this! It is amazing what a simple act of special individualized service will do.

    I am glad you are starting to feel better ... I am looking forward to hanging out soon :) !!

  11. The recipe looks absolutely nummy! Now where can I find a TOPS grocery store? Not in SW Missouri!

  12. what a sweet and kind friend you have!! checked out the friend's blog and the recipe...both sound fun :)


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