Saturday, March 28, 2009

For Just One Week

Note to self, check calendar before setting FJOW goals. I cannot believe how crazy busy this last week has been. I think we've only been able to sit at our table twice for family dinner because every night at least one of us, if not all of us, had events, classes, meetings, or something that we were rushing to and from each night.

OK, I just deleted the rest of what I was writing because it started to sound like whining about poor-busy-me. BORING! I hate it when I whine. Yes, it was hard to keep to my goals, but once again, if I hadn't set those goals I wouldn't have accomplished anything. I have exercised, posted, commented, and practiced piano with David more than I have at any other time this past month. And that is great! It also taught me a few things that I have been wondering about. For instance, I've realized that there is just no way I can consider myself a serious blogger right now. I will still blog but I will no longer worry about how or when I blog. I've also realized that I am not in a position to depend on getting to the gym in order to exercise, it has to be an "extra," and I have got to find a way to exercise at home during the day (I'm pumping up my exercise ball as I type this).
Now, moving forward (which is always the best direction to go) to this weeks goals. You might have noticed that I've really had diet, exercise, and health on the brain and because of this I am so very excited about this week's goal. That is right, I am only setting one goal, but it's going to be an awesome one, I can just feel it. This week my one and only goal is to WIN. Yup, I want to win Pablo's health game. What is that, you ask? I will tell you.

Last week Pablo started doing various exercises around the house. He'd just break out in push-ups or run laps around the house. He also started asking for things like carrot sticks or broccoli at odd times of the day. Later on he asked if I had noticed and then he showed me the "game" he was playing. Have I mentioned that Pablo is a little geniusy? Anyway, he had made this little game board/chart thing that tracked the healthy and unhealthy choices he was making throughout the day. He had two meters (or bar graphs), one for healthy and one for unhealthy. Anytime his unhealthy line got ahead he would quickly do some healthy things to catch up, and the way to win the game is to get your healthy line/meter filled up before the unhealthy one.

Really the idea is genius. You don't need to deny yourself anything, you just need to make sure you are doing more healthy things than unhealthy. I have recreated his "game board" and personalized it for myself and my goal this week is simply to play the game and try to win. Here is my chart so far:

As you can see I've already been sitting too long at this computer and it is time for me to go get some health points. If you would like a blank copy of this just let me know and I can email it to you (if you don't have your email in your blog profile then please send me your email address as well).

What about you? What did you accomplish? What goals will you work on For Just One Week? Write a post about your weekly goal(s) and share it here. Please make sure to link to your individual post and not just your regular blog url. Thanks!


  1. I would like a copy. I need all the help I can get! :)

  2. sweet friend of mine. .please share the game.. my fanny will thank you :o)~

  3. What a fun game! Your son is a genius!

    I need to make a game like that to keep track of the nice things I say to my kids versus the critical things I say every day.

  4. Please send me this amazing game! Good luck on winning :)!!

    (And maybe I will have to utilize it like The Lazy Organizer suggested, too!)

  5. I love that the game is simplistic. Putting too many requirements into a "game" makes it not so fun to play. Maybe that's my problem!

  6. What a great game! I would love a copy.

  7. This is a great idea!! I would love it, though I suspect that I won't be as successful....
    If you come on by my blog-I have a contest going on right now!! :)

  8. That is a great game. Your son is SO smart! (But you knew that...)

    I've very much enjoyed keeping up with all your Just One Week goals. Thanks for sharing with us, and being vulnerable as well as victorious!

  9. Yes please. I'm willing to try anything. Such a smartie you got there.


Go on, feed my comment addiction. You know you want to, you enabler, you.