Saturday, April 25, 2009

Funny Photo Boards

I'm so glad I set this goal to paint and get a head start on this project. It was fun, productive, got my kids excited, and made me happy.

. Monster Man is making gorilla noises while Sweet Terror is screaming, "Aaaaa, don't eat me!"
This gorilla just needs a second coat of paint on his fur and this one will be finished. I'm painting these with basic craft paint on Elmers display boards that I bought for a buck a piece at Micheal's craft store.
.The next one I'm working on here is the mermaids. Sweet Terror is so excited about this one but she goes ballistic anytime I have one of the boys, or even Mr. Hotness, pose behind it. Apparently boys are NOT allowed to be mermaids.

Once I get the background painted and lighten up the rock I can add all the fun stuff like jewelry and all sorts of fishy friends and whatnot.
I want to paint two more scenes but am having a hard time deciding what to paint. What do you recommend?
Now for this next week's goal. I've been thinking about this a lot. It is going to be very weird. My husband may not speak to me all week if I do this. I'm sure the kids will get in all sorts of trouble and it will be my fault. But if the all-knowing Dwight says it's a good thing then how can I NOT do it? So, for one week, starting tomorrow and ending after I write next Saturday's post, when at home I will only sit on the floor or... ON MY EXERCISE BALL. Yup, I will sit on it at the dinner table, while on the computer, and... oh, wait, I need to change this goal. When at home I will only sit on the floor, MY EXERCISE BALL, or the toilet. This is going to be a veeeeery interesting week. I'm thinking this goal is going to encourage me to get out of the house more often. =)
What craaaaazy things are you going to try doing this week? Remember, no matter how hard it seems, it's For Just One Week so you can do it! If you write a post about your For Just One Week goal share it here.


  1. Okay seriously? Wow. YOU have skillz!

  2. What a fun project. I can only imagine the fun your kids are having with this one.

  3. My kids vote for T-Rex. Aliens would be good too. Are those too masculine? What about ballerinas? Bicyclists or pole vaulters? Mickey votes for spiders, big giant spiders. Autumn says "something that flies."
    How about a pterodactyl? A dinosaur that flies.

  4. Those picture boards turned out awesome! How funny is it that boys aren't "allowed" to be mermaids?!? :)

    Would love to see them when they're all done too!

  5. Those are fantastic! Your kids are sooo lucky. My girls agree whole-heartedly with Sweet T. Boys should NOT be mermaids. :)

    The picture of the screaming banana will make me chuckle all day today!!

  6. I am a really big fan of Sweet Terror, you know.

  7. Ideas for the extra scenes?...
    Beauty and the Beast?
    Kermit and Piggy
    Punky Bruster and Rainbow Bright
    Are you feelin' me yet????

  8. Those are so awesome! I like the screaming banana as well.

  9. That is a very funny goal! I had an exercise ball once but my daughter wanted to see what would happen if she stuck a pencil in it. It popped! Imagine that!!!

    I am still working on our new schedule. I want to start a new habit but I think the schedule is all I can handle for now. Or forever.

  10. how fun! I looove anything to do with Jim and Dwight...How bout putting their bodies on a headless posterboard? Eh, then it would just be two guys in suits and where's the fun in that?

  11. Wow exercise ball or the floor?!? I don't think I could do that. I find it impossible to sit on the floor for more than 10 minutes in a row, lame me I guess. So good luck!

  12. I would like to see that, bouncing on the ball all day. You are so funny!

    I love the pictures. They are looking great.

  13. You are quite the artist. I am very impressed ... and your kids look fabulous in their poses for the monkey board :) !!

  14. The photo boards are AWESOME! I always love checking out the creative things you do.

    (once we get moved i will get on board with the for just one week thing again)

  15. Cowboy and indian or Cop and Robber
    Or two babies:)

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