Friday, May 15, 2009

What Day Is It?

Today I...
Shaved my legs.
Checked my facebook messages like a zillion times (love instant gratification).
I bought myself this sexy little number:
. ($10 for the shirt and $1 for the slacks at a thrift store. Woohoo!)
I made myself this really long necklace:
and I almost ate this for breakfast:

.But I'm being a good girl and waiting till later tonight.

Or will I? Because I don't have to, you know. I could totally eat this whole thing right now and just make a cake from a box and no one could say anything about it because...



  1. Happy Birthday!

    Eat it, eat it, eat it!!!

  2. Happy Birthday. I say eat it. Heck. I'm gonna make one and eat it, too. All in honor of your birthday. Because, really, we should all celebrate.

  3. Woot! Happy birthday! I say you should definitely eat the cake!

  4. Love all the pictures!

    Happy Birthday!

  5. Ummm, if it were me, that yummy dish would be totally GONE by now.

    Happy Birthday! ;-)

    Hope it's a good one.

  6. Sounds like your "Day of all Days" has already started off well and with that dessert to look forward to the rest should be wonderful too.

    Happy Birthday!

  7. Love the outfit. Love the necklace. Love you! Happy Birthday!

  8. You are the most beautiful woman in the entire world; every day should feel like your birthday; at least, the presents and spoiling yourself part, not the feeling older part...

  9. It sounds like a really great day! I hope it's the happiest of birthdays!

  10. Happy Happy Birthday! Glad it is going well :) !!

  11. Happy Birthday to you!!!! I'm glad you got to enjoy your day!

  12. Happy Birf-day! (think Gus-Gus from Cinderella) Love the outfit, love the necklace, and good luck attempting to exert self-control on your birthday!

  13. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!

  14. I can't remember what I did on my birthday but I'm sure it wasn't half as exciting as all that. Happy Birthday!

  15. happy birthday! i'm sorry that i wasn't on facebook or blogging, or i would have been on time to wish you the greatest of days. i hope you at the cheesecake and made mr. hotness buy you an alternative dessert to share!:)

  16. I'm behind on reading blogs...but happy belated birthday!

  17. Happy (belated) Birthday, Ice Cream!

  18. Here's another belated "Happy Birthday!!!!" I hope it was the best. It sounds like you know how to celebrate.

    I was out of town (and am still recovering) last weekend or most certainly would have wished you happy birthday on time. Sorry!


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