Thursday, June 4, 2009


My nose itches so bad from all the dust, mold, and cleaners that I've been inhaling for the past 3 days.
I am supposed to be in NY right now. I am supposed to be frantically looking for a new place to move our huge family in 3 weeks. I am supposed to be getting dressed up for dinners in the Big Apple, and be alone with my husband in a hotel room every night, while my mom watches my kids here in Seattle. *sigh*
Instead I'm still here, trying not to freak out, because we are STILL waiting to hear from the relocation manager. So, instead of wearing make-up and clean clothes and testing water pressure and asking about square footage, I've been sneezing my brains out while frantically cleaning, sorting, and majorly de-junking. See this pile of J-unk?

This is all the stuff that has been littering my downstairs for 4 years now. Why-o-why did I not get rid of it sooner? You should see how open and clean it is down there now. Saturday we are going to have a huge yard sale and try to con others into taking it by selling it for dirt cheap.


Anyone need a futon, or 10 packs of flash cards, or maybe you could use 3,789 books. If so, come on over Saturdaaaaaa-ACHOO! Oh, forget it, I'm going to bed. I'd really rather be in NY eating pizza right now.


  1. Rats! I wish I could come to your rescue and take some of that junk, er..stuff off your hands. :)

    Who am I kidding, I've got plenty here. I always think the same thing when we move: Why didn't I get rid of it sooner?? and Why did I buy it in the first place???

    Oh, my friend...I hope the sneezing goes away soon and that manager gets back to you soon and that you are enjoying kidless-pizza-hotel-with-hubby nights soon.

  2. Moving is so stressful! I wish I could help you out.

  3. Nice! This should be an award-winning dejunking posting! :)

  4. Before we moved into our motor home full time, we moved 12 times in 35 years. A big yard sale each time and then the payoff- a nice clean uncluttered house for a few months. It got so I looked forward to moving!

    Now we simply take all of our junk with us, I need to have a yard sale!!

    Too bad I don't have your address, my sister lives in your neck of the woods.

  5. Oh my goodness that is a lot of work! I have moved more times than I can count so I have vowed never to move again. I hope everything goes smoothly and you made lots of pizza money with that valuable stuff.

  6. Bless your heart, bless your sneezing, ah heck, you just need lots of blessings right now for everything! Congrats on the upcoming move, good ol' WA will be a bit sadder without you here but blessed NY will brighten for sure!

  7. oh my! Good luck with the yard sale...

    (If only I were closer, I'd take every one of the 3,789 books off your hands...)

  8. i hope your yard sale went well and that you've heard back from the relocation manager by now. sorry i'm a bit behind!:)

  9. Ahh the joys of moving. It is amazing that anyone can keep there sanity through it.

  10. Good luck with the dejunking!

    Most of my family is sneezing too, I hate hate hate it.

  11. We wish you were here too! I met (Mr. Hotness? Is that what I saw you call him?) at the ward 4th of July breakfast this morning. He was pretty easy to spot - he had on a sweatshirt from the University I graduated from. (That awful shade of purple is pretty hard to miss! Why couldn't they have picked better colors?!) I can't wait for you guys to get here! Drop me an e-mail and we'll chat. :-) We have a TON in common.

    I'm off to peruse the rest of your blog. Hope you have a great 4th!!!
    (Oh, and moving is MAJORLY stressful. We relocated out here a year ago when I had a 18 month old. and was a few months pregnant. Ugh!)


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