Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I'm almost ready to start blogging again. I've started bathing again and I consider that a huge HUGE step in the right direction. Don't you?

Stay tuned ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


  1. I, for one, am looking forward to it.

    But you know what I'm looking forward to even MORE??! SEEING YOU IRL. This morning's playdate was a GREAT success! I see a lot more begging-y'all-to-come-play in my future. Blueberry pies and all!

  2. I've so missed your blogs...I hope you are back real soon!

  3. Bathing IS huge. :) Good work!

    But please hurry back soon. I've been missing you too.

    Hope you are well. Do you need me to send any fancy soap for encouragement? 'Cause I will.

  4. missing you. and i don't even mind if you blog without showering:)

  5. Oh good, that means you're really close to being back because blogging is a priority right after (or right before) bathing, and definitely before household chores.

  6. Baby steps! Hope "back" is sooner rather than later ;)

  7. Can't wait for your soapy clean blog posts!!

  8. I've missed you too! I'm glad you're bathing again too. Way to go!

    p.s. Can I get your new mailing address? Pretty please?


Go on, feed my comment addiction. You know you want to, you enabler, you.