Friday, August 26, 2011

I Want to Blog Again... Maybe

For the past couple years I've only had enough mental capacity to compose a facebook status (and sometimes not even for that) let alone blogging. But every now and then someone has a facebook status that reminds me of one of my old blog posts. So I search through them, read through them, find the one I'm thinking of, and I share it on facebook. Every time I do this I think, "I really need to start blogging again," and every time I laugh at myself and think, "Yeah right."
Today I did this again, but then I fought back with, "Why not, nobody would even read it, so, why not?" So, I'm sitting here in my messy office, waiting for a lasagna to finish baking, frustrated that more people aren't contributing to facebook so I can have something to do on here and, well, there you have it. I'm back... maybe... we'll see.


  1. Yes! Come back! You are such a funny writer. I love reading your blogs.

  2. Yes please do! It is my way of keeping up with you. :)

  3. So now that I finally succumb to Facebook, you decide to start blogging again! I'm glad though, I always loved reading what you had to say.

  4. Yay!!! Welcome back. ;-) My daily blog reading will be so much more pleasant now!


Go on, feed my comment addiction. You know you want to, you enabler, you.