There are special moments in motherhood that just make your heart so full it wants to burst. Two nights ago, as I was very tiredly changing a diaper and encouraging the children to hurry and get in bed, Pablo came to me and started talking. Pablo has a very interesting manner when it comes to communication and sometimes you really have to focus to get what he is saying. Because of this I just started saying the usual, "Uh, huh," over my shoulder as he sweetly told me that he was reading the Bible every night in bed. Only a fraction of my brain was running at the time and so I said, ""That is wonderful and a very good thing to do. I'm very proud of you for making that kind of a choice." But it hadn't really sunk in what my little 7 year old had just told me. Tonight as I did my last round of checking on kids and putting extra blankets on them, Pablo once again told me that he had read his Bible when he got in bed. I think, because I wasn't changing a diaper on a screaming Sweet Terror this time, that my small piece of working brain kind of caught on to what I was hearing. I almost said, "That's great," but stopped and took interest. "Really? And what did you read about tonight?" He proceeded to tell me that he has been reading all about how God made the world but then he had to stop because he got to the big words that say
Chapter 3 and he can't read Chapter 3 until tomorrow. WHAT??? My 7 year old is reading the bible of his own sweet accord?!? He isn't talking about a children's version here, this is the big Kahuna, the unabridged, no pictures, King James version, Holy Bible. There are no words to express..... Humble. I feel very humbled and know that I need to continue with my own personal scripture reading... Happy. How could I not feel happy that he is putting aside his beloved Garfield comics for one of the hardest books to read of all time?.... Proud? No. No pride this time. This is all coming from him. I don't know how long it will last but my heart beats hard tonight and I'm smiling.
How sweet!! It is so neat to know that you have taught them and they actually listened, especially on their own!
That is just....wonderful!
I love moments like those.
This also tugs at my heart - to hear that your sweet boy is reading the Bible all on his own. My little son, has done this also, from time to time. They just want to know it - don't they? Nice post - take care.
Pablo has always had a very tender heart!
Love this. Made me grin ear to ear. How precious our little ones are.
In response to your comment:
Lizzy! I need you by my side out here in Utah, ALL the time. That is so funny about not telling your Aunt about the pregnancy - - not funny as in silly silly, but funny because I have thought that several times with my own family. I feel like saying... "Pleaaassseee, spare me the comments of I'm too fat to get pregnant again, my body needs a break, I can't afford a large family, how will I pay for college, is this the last baby, are you going to get your tubes tied..... please, PEOPLE, spare me all of it!!!!".
This attack was by far the VERY most personal. The most common comments I've heard are:
A. She must act that way because she has not a mother of her own.
B. Misty, it's ok if you get angry, as long as you don't beat your children.
Those I can brush aside and ignore, but to be taunted, and put down, and embarrassed..... it went way too far..... to the point that I was made fun of for expressing that I had looked to this man as a father. That man made fun of me for THAT!!
And better yet - - that I should never, ever speak of my childhood again, and should have never for the last 9 years ever said any thing in the first place.
There...... we can't just rant back and forth!!
November 12, 2007 3:34 PM
How completely wonderful! My heart glowed for your motherhood-reaffirming moment!
What a sweet thing, and nice of you to record moments like these--they make you feel like things are going well don't they?
Oh how wonderful! Good for him.
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