This clip shows all too well why I call her Sweet Terror. See how cute she is until she realizes that it is a certain brother (Monster Man) who is singing?
Here is DSSH helping the kids build a snowman on the most amazing day of snow we've ever had while living here in Seattle.
See how big it is??? We used a gigantic sweet potato for a nose and some cups for the eyes. Sadly he disappeared the next day in the torential rainfall that lasted 3 days. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.

My Christmas Tree. It looks crooked, and if it is I'm not going to fix it. I will explain why in my ranting post about real vs. fake Christmas trees later. See my uber cute Mrs. Claus? She is my new favorite ornament. She and the little santa up in the corner there both belonged to my grandma. I remember them on her tree and I remember her everytime I look at them. I actually have a lot of her ornaments because most of my siblings thought they were ugly. Lucky for me =).
Wow! Real pictures. You did great. My dh wouldn't have a clue how to download photos. I had to teach myself. I love the videos!
I still don't have a tree, and won't have a free day to go get one for at least a week. I have to have a real one though, and the later we get it, the less time I have to keep it from going completely brittle by Christmas.
You can fix plumbing AND download movies. Is there anything you can't do??
Your mother is *AWESOME* It's like seeing the real deal.
And your little girl ... hilarious. Loved that shriek of discovery in the final seconds!! LOL
Cool snowman, too. HUGE! And the tree -- yes it is a bit crooked, sorry. But lovely all the same :)
Thanks for sharing.
Great photos! That snowman is amazing : ) Love the tree and I have to agree, ornaments that have meaning are the most beautiful ones!
LOL @ Your mom. She does a great impersonation!
The snowman & the tree are awesome!!
I need to learn how to download movies now that we finally have a video camera. That snowman is awesome! And your Mom, that is just hilarious! Great job Mom!
I think you are more technologically savvy then you think :) !! Great photos, and that is one HUGE snowman!
1. Professor Trelawney (sp)
2. I just had my husband sit with me tonight to watch me download my pics! No, I wasn't teaching him. He was showing me where I was going wrong.
3. Love the Happy Birthday!
Wow! So many revelations in this post. Plumbing, you get your acting talent from your mom (I'm assuming you like to act, because you taught a class), Sweet SO adorably funny. I really liked the pictures. The ornaments are super. I can not believe there was that much snow up there. It gives me hope because we are heading that way for Christmas. It would be nice if it was white, but I won't hold my breath.
You are awesome! :D
Too fun and so Chistmasy. And I am exceedingly impressed with the size of your snowman - we usually lose steam partway through. :-)
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