Trying to cut out the amount of time you spend in front of the tube?
Want to spend less and save more?
Hoping to fight less in your marriage?
Determined to start going to church again?
Want a whole new way to exercise?
And here are two blog posts that are also helping me with my resolution planning:
Using Time Wisely
Putting The Resolve In your Resolutions
Happy Reading!
Cool, I'll have to check out those articles. Thanks.
My church did a family commitment that will be our resolution for 2008. It's about giving, loving, caring, and sharing (I hope I got it all). It's a great to get to the basics and everything else will fall into place when we build our foundation right.
Debbie aka The Real World Martha (S)
I am a list maker, too, and THAT is a great list for your 2008! Bring it on, baby, bring it ooonnnnnnnnnn!!
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