Less is more, which, according to the law of inverse, means that more is less.
Right now I have way too much more.
I have so much more that I have way too much less. I want more less so that I can have more more. Understand? Good. Right. For example, right now I have more clothes, which means more laundry, which means less time with my children. I want less clothes, less laundry and more time with my children.
Here is a list of what I have too much more of and the less they create:
Clothes=less time for more enjoyable activities
Piles of clutter=less room in my home
Unfinished projects=less space in my closets
Body weight=less health, less physical ability, less energy, less positive self image
Sitting on my butt=less accomplished in life
Junk=less pride in my surroundings
Now, if I could have less of those above items I might get more of these:
And who wouldn't want more of that? Thus I have decided to start a crusade in the name of lessness. I'm going to go way above and beyond the usual box or two to Goodwill. I'm talking serious lessness here. Here is the game plan:
On October 3rd I will post photos of all the junk I get rid of.
On October 10th I will post before and after photos of gutted closets and corners.
On October 17th I will post start-again and finished or tossed to the curb photos of projects that have been hiding in my closets for years.
On October 24th I will post the average amount of less-hours I spend sitting down.
And on October 31st, while everyone is rifling through their children's Halloween candy (at least I know I will be), I will post any weight I will hopefully have lost.
I will warn you ahead of time, I am a closet pack rat and the pictures are going to be very graphic. No knick-knack will be spared, no half-finished cross stitch will see mercy, and my computer chair will gather dust!!! If you care to join the Less Crusade I will put up a Mr. Linky for these Friday posts so we can all share our lesses.
Wow! Sounds like my kind of project. Only what do I have to get rid of to get more energy to join you in the undertaking. Right now this fetus thing is sapping my will to move :)
My Dr. told me I need to gain more weight, so I can't join you with that one. Maybe in about 6 months. :)
What a great idea--you little smartie pants!
I am planning on having a garage sale this fall, maybe this will get my bum in gear to work on that!
Then you can come do my house. I am too sentimental and I need a cruel eye. Good luck!
If I lived nearby I would come help...I love helping people get rid of stuff. My sis calls me the "get rid of it Nazi" I don't like extra stuff. I just haven't quite gotten the system down of keeping everything organized. Can't wait to see your progress...Good luck!
This sounds like my kind of party!!
You are one brave woman!!! Bless you. However...I think that during this process, you may want to stock up on extra ice cream. :)
I always enjoy getting rid of the clutter in my life. I just need more time to make the clutter less :) !!
I am excited to see all the progress you will make!
And I will join you on the weight loss aspect. Must lose the baby weight.
Will it hurt? I need to join you, but I'm afraid. It sounds good in theory, but I'm literally afraid of letting it go. I must be crazy.
ok, I'll try my darndest!
Great project! I'll see what I can do to chip in. I might not have pictures though.
BTW, I'm loving what you've done to your blog. It's getting prettier with every change.
Rock On!!!!! You will feels so much better!!! Good luck and have fun!
love today's background.
and i'm trying to feel badly for richelle, whose doctor told her to gain weight. never in my life has anyone said that to me.
sounds very ambitious. i can't wait to see all that you accomplish. hopefully you will inspire me to do the same. but i'm not signing on just yet!:)
I am inspired!
I seriously need to let go of stuff--that was my goal for this summer, and while I did get rid of a ton, there's still a long ways to go. I feel like I hardly have any free time right now though. We're in the thick of school and can't even seem to find 3 free days to go on a vacation we've been planning.
I've become seriously less sentimental about keeping anything though so that definitely counts for a whole ton, I think. And I'm working on the stuff that's already here, although in miniscule amounts at a time.
Good luck!
Sounds like you have set some great goals for yourself. Good luck reaching them.
I have recently gotten rid of a ton of clutter. Moving into a smaller house will force you to do things like that.
What a great idea! I have the War on Clutter which I've been waging (I try to throw out/donate at least ONE item per day) but I like the idea of a sweep.
I think we need to have a photo contest - a picture of a throw-away or give-away that is uniquely disgusting, old, or useless, that we have continually hung on to for no good reason. I think I could beat you all!
That is awesome! I am a recovering pack rat! There is so much to deal with now, that I don't want. Good luck!!
Awesome!!!!!!!! Maybe I'll join in :)
Fabulous post! Done that, been there. Except in my basement. Don't make me go down there!!
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