See this box? This beautiful, vibrant, red, Good Humor Variety Pack, never ending, ice cream box? This is my happy box. Just like the picture on the front, it's like having my own personal ice cream truck delivering non-stop smiles from my freezer. If you haven't ever experienced this magical box, I highly suggest that do so, and soon.
Oh, and so far I have 3 garbage bags full and ready for donating, one room gutted and clean, and laundry almost completely done so that I can donate more than half of all clothing in the house. It feels so good (or is that the ice cream talking?).
I always want to buy those, but my younger son has peanut allergy and even the packages without nuts have peanut processing warnings. I need to learn to have my own secret stash somewhere, but this is the same kid we for whom we had to buy a hurricane-strength padlock for the fridge. (I'm not kidding.) And good luck on the house purge.
This summer we went through several boxes of these. They are so yummy!
Um, I haven't even started on the house organizing. I really need to though, it's time to start pulling out the winter clothes.
Mmmmmmm....... now, what was I doing?
I'm totally going to get a box of that ice creamy goodness!
I'm very impressed with your clean sweep!
Hey, no fair starting already. The photo of all the junk was supposed to be the beginning point?!
um - can you come over and donate some of my stuff. lol those icecreams are sweet. =)
Pass it on over.
omg-that's an awesome idea - combine all the yumminess of an ice cream truck in a convenient take-home box to share with NO ONE!!!
LOVE it!!
I am going to search everywhere for this!
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