Lucky for... well, pretty much everyone including me, there are a gazillion other blogs out there to read. I've been reading all your blogs while rocking, nursing, and cleaning up puke, I just don't usually get a chance to leave comments.
Here is something I read this morning (I type this one handed as I balance a bottle under my chin into Cheeks' face), and now I must have it. Must!

I've seen/made/bought so many chore charts that I was absolutely convinced that there was an anti chore chart genome in my family's DNA. But this looks as if someone has studied my family and custom made a chore system just for me. MUST HAVE IT!!!
I prepared myself for the sticker shock. Anytime I find something that is perfect for me it is always too expensive for my penny pinching brain to accept. But at the Book Peddler I can get it for just $16.95. And it comes with everything, EVERYTHING, premade and ready to use. Man, that costs less than those pretty (pretty useless in my family) little wooden chore charts with a cute beehive that has little bees with your family's names on them rotating around the chores.
Maybe if I buy this my kitchen will finally be too clean to eat off the floor any more. Or do you use that phrase to mean your floor is clean? Because when I say you can eat off my floor it's because there is a three course meal, on my floor.
I got mine from Christian Books ( for $14.95 in case you haven't ordered yet. We just started it this week and one child is doing great, the other, not so much. I am counting on the fact that she will not have any money to buy anything at the chore store this week to motivate her. I'll have to put some really great things in it! She's a tough nut, though, so we will see! Good luck with yours.
ps-I love your baby carrier and am getting excited to make some and put my little one in them. He or she is due in Feb.
We had a chore "pouch" when I was a kid. I felt it was satanic. Every saturday morning there was a list of chores in each of our individual "pouches". Those cursed lists cut into our saturday morning cartoons. I also hate the sight of a 3x5 index card.
You are so funny!!! Caden is in a phase that he loves to "help" clean and do "chores"! That's going to last forever, right? Right?
That is a funny expression. I think your way makes more sense. I could probably eat remnants of my son's breakfast and lunch off my floor right now. :)
Let me know how this one works! I have been planning on making one, but this would save me a lot of time!
Have you been having to feed Cheeks with a bottle for awhile now? Did you have to switch to formula? Just curious :) !! And I understand completely that blogging has been put on the back burner because of a newborn in the house. Yep, I am in the same boat!
My mom had something like that when we were little, just cards we were sapposed to follow, never bucks....I think I will have to get me one of those...
My kids eat off the floor if I've recently cleaned it... Why waste food?? :)
Super mom! I never managed to master the one-handed-typing-while-feeding-the-baby move. Good luck with your new chore chart. I gave up looking for one because I need mine to be specifically taylored to our "chores". Like changing your underware. :)
I've seen this around and so totally want it too.
Good! You buy it, tell me if it works, then if it does, *I'LL* buy it, too! :)
LOL! :-D
Uh, that's what eating off the floor means at my house, too.
That there's plenty of food for you, if you're hungry. You know where to find it.
I'll save you a trip to my blog for my news:
I'm pregnant.
And, cool idea. Maybe I should get that book, too.
hope it works. the chore things never work in here. i generally hover and hand out chores or tasks as we go along. i'm the "it's all about working together and if one of us doesn't pull our weight then the house falls in" mom...or i threaten to toss their stars wars legos (and light sabers) out their window. that generally works (haven't had to toss a thing yet mind you) ;-)
Thanks for the heads up. Sounds like something we all could use.
I don't want to organize my chores. I want someone to do them for me. ;)
But I bet that is a great book!!
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