As the Garage Sale season comes to a close I morn. I weep for the lost weekend adventures, the bargains, and the romance that is other people's junk. I will miss the rush of finding something great for barely nothing. My kids will miss the gluttony of "new" toys and clothes. Perhaps even Mr. Hotness will feel a twinge of loss (as in, he won't have as many reasons to poke fun at me and my precious junk).

When loved ones have to part it is a common practice to give parting gifts. A memento of your time together, something special to remember the person by. Last week I received just such a gift from one of my special loves.

Last week I went out for one last hoorah with my good friend, Garage Sale, and we had a lot of fun. Mainly I just "window" shopped, eavesdropping on other people's lives through their castoffs. But then Garage Sale Buddy presented me with my goodbye gift. A gift that will keep me smiling through the long cold months until Garage Sale Buddy returns.

Doll house furniture. Not just any doll house furniture, though. You see, the value of garage sale treasure is not just in the item itself, but in how little you have to pay for it. The less it costs the higher it's value. And this is where my gift becomes so special to me. I got all this lovely doll house goodness for... (DUN DUN DUN)... a dollar. No, not a dollar a piece. One dollah! For all of it!!!

How often do you get to be Lord over your own tiny little world for just a dollar?
And, no, this is not for the kids. These are all mine. MINE I tell you! But, maybe, if the kids are really good and pretend to like everything I make for dinner tonight, maybe I will let them watch me play with these.
P.S. Can anyone tell me what this line is from?:
"Looks like Darth Vader's bathroom."
Such a steal! I can't believe you got all that for only a dollar. The best thing about the cheepness of cast off toys is that you don't have to be as upset when they get broken or lost. It's just not quite as painful.
Neat!!! I heart garage sales.
You are a very impressive garage sale shopper!
So cute! When I was a lil girl, my favorite thing to do was look at Michaels' at the miniature doll house stuff...
It's hard to find garage sales in The Big City...Looks like you did well!
That's awesome! What a great find!
ooh, that is SWEET!!! Love and miss garage sales. you REALLY got a great deal. enjoy your treats!!!
Lovely! I'd come over and play if I could!
You are the garage sale goddess. More like the empress of garage saling. All that furniture for a dollar? You must have good garage sale karma to find such and awesome deal.
Oh my, you hit a gold mine! You definitely have bragging rights! I'm so proud of you (I taught you well....at least I'd like to claim that I did so! hahahah)
What a fun find! So did the kids get to watch you play?
I went to this crazy madhouse of a sale they called the Mom Market today. I got some good deals on baby and kids stuff but wow! I've never seen so many crazed mamas going for toys and clothes and strollers! There were some fights over the strollers.
That is soooo precious! I was a garage sale junkie the first few years of our marriage. But now with two kids, it's more a hassle than anything to drag them around, in and out of the car. I suspect when they're older, I will recommit myself to the cause. ;-)
What lovely doll accessories. Looks like you got a fabulous deal there.
I am so jealous! Just tonight I got my old dollhouse out of the basement and set it up for my kids. Brought back so many memories...
I also just want to tell you that you are the funniest person alive. The commments that you leave on my blog crack me up. Thanks for making my day...almost every day!
What a sweet find! I love garage sales. They are my secret vice.
having lived in california for most of my life (except for a few years in utah and russia), it had never occurred to me that there was a season for garage sales. having them year-round is something that i take for granted.
that doll furniture is fab! what a great find!
too adorable! and i love garage sales...they seem to go in fits around here, not sure why!!
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