Alright, alright, party's over. Time to get out, ladies, and get back to work. Gather up all the spoons and bowls, throw away the empty cheeto bags. It was nice having you and I sincerely appreciate all the good company, but there are babies to nurse, companies to run, countries to raise up, and bums to be wiped.
Ah, the life of woman. We are capable of carrying life inside our bodies, sustaining new life from our bosoms, and yet we wipe bums. We are willing to perform the lowest of the low and yet supreme in our abilities and capabilities. With a capacity to love that surpasses logic and the strength to endure the requirements of such love.
Yeah... we totally rock!

We ARE so awesome, aren't we :)
That's the spirit!
Rock? Most definitely!
Are we going to party tonight?
i'm glad you're back to yourself again. mothers are so powerful and capable of more than any other creature. it's just hard to remember that sometimes.
Oh yeah!
Good to have you back!
Totally agree! We do rock! :)
Sorry to hear I missed out on the pity party. I'll make sure to attend next time around! Glad to hear you rock!
great party, now back to the grind! :)
I've been catching up and LOVING your blog. You are so real (ya know what I mean?) and I wish (once again) that I lived closer so I could party with you!
Now, go be amazing! :)
Hugs! I think we should have a rockin' party now!
Beautifully put, my dear. The porwer of women IS incredible!
Rock on, baby!
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