It is always a little scary when a family member gets married. What if you don't like the person, or what if they aren't good to your mom/dad/brother/sister/the person they married? What if they don't like you? You will be stuck with them at every Christmas/Thanksgiving/reunion/birthday and you will be forced to be nice to them because they are "family." I come from a family of 8 children, who've all been married at least once. This means I've had my fair share of new in-laws to learn to love. I'd mention the in-laws I've been given on Mr. Hotness's side but then I'm on the other side of this issue. Then I'm the interloper, the new girl, the brother/son stealer (and yet, they've all been so kind to me despite this). But lets get back to me and the in-laws that are marrying into my family, namely my sister in-laws.
I am the only one in my family that lives more than 90 miles from my mom's house. I live 800 miles away. This means that I would occasionally get a call from one of my brothers with "the news." I always new why they were calling because they never called unless they were getting married (and now they only call when anouncing a pregnancy). It bothered them that my reaction was always less than enthusiastic. What they didn't understand was that, unlike the rest of the family, I didn't get a chance to meet these girls, to interrogate them, to test them, to look them in the eye before allowing them to enter my family.
Luckily my brothers have been really good at picking new family members for me. These girls (I can call them girls because I'm older and have more stretch marks) are awesome. So awesome in fact that I'm often envious of my brothers. Every time I go home to visit one of my sister in-laws has made me some new baby item that I can't live without. I posted before about my cute, skinny, peppy, funny, crafty sister in-law #2, Michelle, who sews and sells nursing covers, right? Well, now my cute, skinny, athletic, smart, crafty sister in-law #1, Jenilyn, is selling my all time favorite baby wrap carriers.
Jenilyn, a stay at home mother of 2 who loves to go rock climbing and hiking any chance she gets, has set up a blog called Sweet Baby Somethings where she sells Carry Me Wraps and nursing covers. The price for the carry wrap ($15-$16.50) is ubber cheap compared to anything else you will find online. She only has two styles currently available , but I'm sure if you were looking for a solid colored fabric, or something slightly different, Jenilyn would be willing to keep her eyes open for other fabrics (though it may affect the price).
If anything, just check out these sites to see what cute sister in-laws I have. Aren't you jealous? And trust me, I really don't mind having to go camping, swimming, and sharing early morning Christmas with these beauties, really I don't.
Yeah I felt rather cranky when my sister announced that she was getting married and I did not get a chance to meet the guy until a few days before the wedding. He seems pretty ok, although he did decide to marry my sister. Lol!
They ARE crafty! Very cool!
I know what you mean about the SILs. I have the only two I'm gonna get and I didn't get to meet the second one until right before the wedding. Love her!!
I know exactly what you are talking about with the "in-law" thing. My brother just married Wife #3-and I LOVE her. Husband's brother got married 6 years ago, and we never met her (they live in Florida)-and they got divorced. It's kinda like the Forest Gump saying "Life is like a box of Chocolates, you never know which one your gonna get". OR something like that.
You definitely have cool sister-in-laws. And I wish I would have known earlier that your SIL made nursing covers. I would have bought mine from her!
And on a completely separate note. When are you going to do your post about the Stephenie Meyer books ... I know you have tons of free time on your hands :) !! j/k
Love this post :-) Especially because 2 weeks ago, my (22 year old) brother called to ask me if it was ok if he date my best friend.
My thoughts were racing...she has her masters degree & is working in Salt Lake, he just got off his mission 4 months ago and is re-doing his freshman year at BYU. What in the world could she possibly see in my brother? (alright, I'll give him a few things...he's cute, funny, works at the MTC, is major spiritual, comes from a awesome family...)
Then I get to thinking how sweet would that be to have my best friend for a sister in law?
My answer? "If you do anything to hurt her, I'll never talk to you again."
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