To learn more about For Just One Week click here.
Last week I set some majorly tough goals and knew they would be hard to keep, and they were. I didn't keep any of them 100%, but you know what? I'm just fine with that because I still got a lot of mileage out of each one. My four year old mending pile is now cut in half (many of the items were sewn back up and then donated because they no longer fit any of the kids), I finally made the Christmas stockings that I bought supplies for 5 years ago, I got the family room good and clean, and Monster Man is feeling so proud about all the good school work we've been doing.
Oh, and guess what? I still haven't let laundry pile up on my couch. See? Some of these quick goals just turn into habits. Sometimes all it takes is proving to yourself that it can be done to make you actually do it. I had convinced myself that part of having 5 kids is having a couch full of laundry. Not so. And it feels so good to be able to snuggle up with my kids on that couch anytime I want now.
Now for this week's goals. I'm sure you have noticed, I HOPE you have noticed, that my goals of reducing computer time have made me pretty scarce in blogland. I really miss that. I've also missed out on reading pieces of writing that my talented families have been sending me (I have two sisters in the process of writing novels. I wish that eating ice cream sounded as cool as writing a novel. They say, "Whew, I just finished writing 3 chapters today!" Then I say, "Oh, yeah? Well I just tried three different cookies and cream ice creams and found a favorite one."*)
*Ben and Jerry's Mint Chocolate Cookie
So, for this week my goals are:
1. NO internet TV or movies unless I've commented on every new blog posting in my blog reader.
2. Catch up on my reading.
3. This is a biggie.... I don't remember the last time I did this, or even if I ever have... I'm going to post something on my blog every day this week including Sunday. (this one just made my eye twitch a little)
What about you? What were your week's major accomplishments? What goals will you work on For Just One Week? Write a post about your weekly goal(s) and share it here. Please make sure to link to your individual post and not just your regular blog url. Thanks!
i think i forgot to link my goal last week, which is just as well because it was a flop. i'll blog about it tomorrow!
i missed you this week. i knew you would get into my little campaign and yet i knew that you'd be too busy achieving your goals. i really should set a similar goal to be on the computer for only a couple of hours a day, but i don't know if i'm ready for such greatness!:)
I'm interested to see how goal #1 & #3 work together.... I look forward to reading you posts!
Good luck on your goals this week.
Mine's going to whoop my... tooshie this week, I think. It might sound simple, but drinking all the water I'm supposed to has always been quite daunting for me.
Thanks again for this fun program! ;-)
It sounds like you have really found your groove lately ... Go Liz!
I am impressed with your bloggy comment goal this week ... I will make sure to post every day just for you ;) !! Just kidding ... my life won't allow that right now.
Woo wee! You are very ambitious! and I love the happy/sad/squiggly faces this week!
Those ice cream cones look delish!! We're going to B&J tomorrow and I can't wait! But I think I'll be on the stair machine for an hour or so to make up for it.... ;)
I had some great goals that I really stuck to at the beginning of the year but have slacked off due to illness and travel. A great reminder for me to get back on the wagon!
I've been lurking on your goals posts for a bit but I find it VERY encouraging!! I'm going to try something like this soon-you seem to be doing REALLY great with it!!! Very inspiring to the rest of us.
I keep reading all about this just one week thing - it looks very interesting, perhaps I should get involved!!
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