Friday, March 14, 2014
Fried Power Port Samsung Galaxy S4
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Friday, September 2, 2011
All About Pablo

Pablo is a quiet kid, was quiet even in the womb before he was born. I used to worry about him, but it soon became apparent that he is quiet because he is thinking of amazing things. His brain doesn’t work like most kids. His brain functions much like a computer. If he hasn’t been programmed for the information beforehand it won’t stick, but if you can figure out a way to make it make sense to him, he will never forget it and will understand it in ways most adults never will. Pablo is also a very visual learner/thinker. When I wouldn’t let him play video games he wouldn’t get upset, he just drew his own “video” games on paper. I can’t really explain Pablo to you because I’m still trying to figure him out myself. I know that he tries to do his best. He constantly sets goals for himself and works hard to achieve them. He practices when he feels he can’t do something good enough, and he keeps practicing till he gets it right. Pablo has a special knack for cheering up little children and being friends with mentally handicapped children, because he loves nothing better than to be able to make someone else smile. He sometimes gets teased because he has a hard time understanding senseless cruelty and he doesn’t want to fight back. He tends to see things in black and white and has to have subtleties explained to him in any unfamiliar situation. One could see this as a handicap, but I see it as the trait of a marvelous mind that has the ability to see things others can’t, and I think it could help take him farther in life than most people will be able to, if it is nurtured in the right way.
Pablo has a gift for art, and enjoys drawing anytime he can. He is trying his best to only draw when he isn’t working, and has gotten better at that. He has written several comic books and the depth of his thought process in creating them never ceases to amaze me.
My hope for Pablo is that he will continue to gain confidence in his own decision making skills and for others to see his true potential and appreciate it. I know that he will contribute many new and wonderful ideas to the world in his lifetime, and I hope he will always see himself the way I see him.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Cookie in a Nutshell

Cookie is a very special person. I’m sure all parents feel that way about their child (as they should), but if you get to know Cookie I think you will see what I mean. She is the oldest of 5 kids, she is my first baby, she is a miniature me (only better than I could ever hope to be). Cookie was born older and more mature than some adults I know. She was smart from the very beginning, speaking early, reading early, and she has a memory that never fails to surprise me. But the extra something special about Cookie is her innate desire to do what she thinks is right. Whether it is being kind to someone who needs a friend, standing up for others, obeying her elders, getting her homework done, or just having fun, she always tries her best to do it “right.” When she was very little I was constantly having to tell her, “Mistakes are good,” because she would get very upset if she couldn’t make her letters just right, or if she colored out of the lines. She’s a lot more relaxed now, but still does her best to do what is important to her.
Cookie has set very high standards for herself and refuses to just “go with the flow” if the “flow” goes against those standards. This year she has chosen not to read one of the summer books assigned because it has a lot of bad language in it, but she is willing to read any other book in order to make up for it. Even getting good grades isn’t as important to her as sticking to what she feels is right. I hope, as you get to know her, you can see this side of her.
As for her personality, it depends on what side of the coin you see. On one hand, Cookie can be very shy, introverted and quiet. If she doesn’t feel a connection to kids around her she will tend to keep to herself. But if you see her with friends she feels comfortable with you will see the exact opposite. Cookie loves anything that is extremely silly. She loves to laugh and be goofy, she loves to tease and can dish it out as well as take it (if it isn’t mean teasing).
After 2 major moves Cookie was having a hard time feeling like she fit in at school last year. This year she has some friends and I think she is coming out of her shell again and showing a lot more of her true self.
(Tomorrow I will share the one I wrote for Pablo)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Who Needs Flowers?