Monday, October 27, 2008

Boys and Guns

Documented proof that kids can make anything into a pretend gun:

Of course after I made Monster Man repeat this on video I sternly told him that babies are NOT guns.

I'm responsible like that.


  1. OH man was that funny!

    I mean... in a totally non-violent silly cartoon kind of way.

    Gosh your kids are cute! And Cheeks doesn't seem to mind too much. I bet he just likes to be loved on by big brother, right?

    Heck, I can think of worse things to pretend to be. Like my kiddo pretending I was one giant kleenex tonight. You know what I'm talking about, ugh!

  2. it's inevitable when they are boys.
    What's worse is the girls do it now too. 'course look at who there dad is too, sheesh

  3. Way to earn that Parent of the Year award!

  4. Cute! Mine used yarn as swords. It was great!

  5. ha ha ha I died laughing at this one!!! My little dude used a pink tea pot that the girls were using for a tea party... ans "virtually" assaulted everyone in his path with sounds of explosions. Even more proof that boys will be boys, as I typed this, my son came running up the stairs yelling and laughing, "MOM... I FARTED TWICE and didn't even push it out!" Ahhhh, the joys of raising boys

  6. HYSTERICAL! Baby brother is learning the way of boys up close and personal-like! :)

  7. THAT is hilarious. Tony used to do the same thing with Josh and Josh would make a machine gun sound.

    These silly boys and their "toys."

  8. I was expecting some projectile to come out of Cheeks! That would have been the icing on the cake, ya know?

  9. That was too funny! It would have been hilarious if Cheeks spit up while he did that. Picking up a baby and pretending it's a gun is a new one for me. We have had sticks, branches, broke broom handles, anything that it straight is a gun, or a sword for boys.

  10. I didn't mean to hit the anonymous button, I'm proud of my comments.

  11. You let your kids hold guns (aka Cheeks)? Shame on you. Maybe when his cheeks get smaller, you can call him "Guns".

  12. Guns? That's not so bad. My nephew had a BAD habit of loving to sit on his baby brother's head. It could happen in a moment's notice. Now they are in their teens, and I have noticed that the baby brother, ahem, has thinner head than the others. But he's the brainiac of the family so look aside, no harm done. So fire away. Maybe he'll develop a love of the military as he grows from cheeks to guns to a general or something.

  13. hilarious. cheeks looked quite happy to be the weapon. too funny.

  14. thanks for sharing! That is great. And cheeks is getting so BIG!!!

  15. I've seen boys turn Legos, popsicle sticks, even french fries into guns ... but THIS? THIS is hilarious.

  16. That was so hilarious!!! I know some people that throw out anything that their children make into a gun. I wonder what they'd do in this situation ???!!! LOL! I'll email this to my husband for sure.


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