Thursday, October 30, 2008


This is the new+ sign that I have taped right next to my computer+++++++++++++++++++++++++'s mo+ni+tor++++++++++++++.+ It isn't for the kids, it is for me. Today, I'm off to buy+ myself yet another keyboard. I've been through so many keyboards it is ridiculous. My problem is that I try to multitask and do computer things w+hile eating. I often h++ave empty b+ow+ls and half empty glasses of w+ater sitting around the computer. Not a good idea. Some++thing s++pilled on m+y keyboard and now+ my keyboard is run+ning amok wi+th the plu++++s sign.

So, my new+ rule is n++o food or drink at the compu+ter. Ice+ cream, how+ever, does not count as food or drink. Ice+ cream i+++s sanity and it has yet to ruin a k+eyboard (knock on w+ood).


  1. OH NO! That is too funny.

    Someone knocked our keyboard off the desk and the space key came off. The guilty party then put it on upside down which was a nightmare until I figured out the problem. Things just need to WORK RIGHT!:-)

  2. Lol! Mine had tons of crumbs and spatters on it, it is filthy and needs cleaning badly. I haven't ruined it yet (knock on wood).

  3. I wondered what was up with all the plus signs. :)

  4. hah! i was chuckling through this entire post because i was eating while i did it!:)

  5. I too am guilty... I dropped a sloppy, greasy slice of pizza on my new wireless WORK keyboard! (GASP) No one knows yet!

  6. I have the SOLUTION. :-)

  7. We had a hard and fast rule growing up that there was absolutly no food or drink anywhere near the computer. I remember freaking our the first time I saw my husband eating at the computer. "What are you doing?"
    Flash forward 7 years of marriage and I am always eating or drinking something when I am on the computer. My father would be so disappointed in me.
    Oh! And I just remembered that my son plucked several keys off of my husbands lap top a few years ago and ever since the space bar is very sensitive. You look at it and you get an extra space inserted into what you are typing.


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