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Happy Birthday, Monster Man. You are still just as passionate about life as ever. We tease you about the fact that you never walk, you are always running, skipping, or jumping. I just hope that you don't rush too fast through life. Slow down and enjoy it with me every now and then, ok?
Such a stud man. Even with all your "cracks" (scars) you are amazingly handsome. You melt hearts all around you with your enthusiastic (some say decapitating) hugs and kisses. It is hard to stay mad at you for very long because I can't help smiling when looking at your wonderful face and it's lively expressions. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you, you look so much like your daddy, and I continue to fall in love with you everytime I see your face.
You have been so excited to become a big brother. Thank you for all your help with Cheeks. He loves it when you talk to him, and I love it when you hold him. You are so unselfish and eager to please. Thank you, Monster Man, for continually teaching our family how to love. We love you so much!!!
Happy Birthday handsome little Monster Man! Hope the next year is your best one YET!
6? 6?!? I think that means I've known you 6 years. Were you pregnant with him when you moved to Seattle? Time flies when you're having fun! He's such a great kid and so much fun. Happy Birthday to MONSTER MAN!!!
He is so, so cute! What a sweet post. Happy B-day Monster Man!!!
Oh my goodness ... those photos are TOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! I can't stop smiling at them!! Happy B-day to your little man!
Ok that second picture just cracks me up! I hope he has a happy birthday!
Aww, so sweet!
Happy Birthday!
What a cute kid!
This is a touching tribute! Why do you always post stuff that makes me either cry or hurt myself laughing? You need to find a middle ground so I won't leave your blog in tears or stitches! :)
love the photos. love little boys. aren't they the best (and sometimes the worst?)
Happy Birthday Monster Man! Wow, I can't believe how quickly he has grown up. Have we been here that long?!?
That was so sweet. :-)
I'm late, sorry. But Happy Birthday to Monster Man!
He's so handsome. ;-)
happy belated birthday little man! great photos...and does he have a scar near his eye too?? i've got two with them (one with one on each side)'s gotta be a boy thang ;)
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